Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,

We here at Rosie's Barkery think that Pit Bulls are pretty great! Myself I am part "Pit", or American Staffordshire Terrier, as is the proper breed name and I have a whole lotta friends who are "pit bulls" too!

Like many other dogs, "P Bo's" (as my Pa Pa calls us), are experiencing hard times. That's why Rosie's Barkery is proud to announce a new group to the list of organizations we support, they're called Stubby Dog!

Stubby Dog is all about educating humans about American Staffordshire and English Staffordshire Terriers and supporting the rescue's who help those breeds. They're doing important work that gets to the root of the issues and we here at Rosie's Barkery think they're great!

But don't just take our word of course, you can read what they have to say in this month's "Sniff N' Greet an Animal Do-Gooder". I interviewed Stubby Dog's VP of operations and co-founder, Laura Petrolino.

What areas of the country are you a helper to?
StubbyDog is a national organization. What we are doing is helping dogs throughout the country (and internationally as well).

How did Stubby Dog get started?
StubbyDog was formed in 2009 and launched in 2010. We observed all the wonderful organizations and their amazing work on behalf of pit bulls – from rescue and rehabilitation, to shutting down dog-fighting operations and tackling legislative injustices, etc. Unfortunately, despite all their terrific work, there still remain well over a million pit bulls being killed in shelters every year.

An organization whose sole mission was to change the discussion and public perception!

Our goal is for people to no longer view pit bulls as a special category of dog – but, instead, as just a dog.

And this why we formed StubbyDog: to change the discussion and public perception, and in turn make the world a kinder place for these wonderful dogs!

These are hard times for animal friends and human friends, what are some of the challenges facing your organization today?
As with most non-profits, being able to properly fund the outreach and campaigns we are currently pursuing, as well as those which we have planned for the future is of up most importance. We really feel like our potential positive impact is only limited by the resources we have available to allow us to pursue our goals.

What is a BSL?
Breed Specific Legislation and Breed Discrimination Laws are laws put into place that discriminate agains, ban or in some way target a particular dog based on their breed or appearance.

Pit bulls used to be America’s favorite dog, called the nanny dog for their patience and protection of children. There are a lot of pit bull heroes. Personally mine are Cesar Milan’s Daddy (R.I.P.), Hercules from the show on Animal Planet “Pit Boss” and Sgt. Stubby. Who are some of your pit bull heroes?
My pit bull heroes are simply the every day dogs that do nothing other than be loving, fun and loyal companions to their families. Every dog is a hero for the family that loves him or her.

I like happy tails, do you have a favorite success story?
Oh wow! That’s a tough one, there are sooo many! These dogs simply overwhelm me sometimes with their amazing ability to overcome enormous odds and not only live out happy lives with loving families, but in many cases also serve as therapy dogs or pit bull ambassadors in one way or another. A few stories I particularly love are Jagger, Sal , Sarge, Mr. Buddy Rose , Handsome Dan and Hope .

Do you serve treats at your dogs and if so, what flavors? I like peanut butter but I know there are other flavors out there.
Well, my dog loves sweet potato :)

Do you have any fun events coming up for party animals feeling festive?
We do, but they are top secret right now. Stay tuned to our Facebook
 and Website for announcements.

How can human friends contact you if they want to volunteer, donate or adopt an amazing animal friend that will change their lives with an increase in love?
Anyone interested in donating can either contact me
 or simply do so through our online system.

Anyone interested in submitting a story can contact Micaela Myers.

Anyone interested in volunteering or with any other questions can contact me.

Thank you for your time and efforts on behalf of all pit bulls out there!