Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,
It's me Rosie! I have a new post series we're calling Rosie to the Rescue! where I talk about all things to do with rescue groups, which next to food, is my favorite topic.
This month, I'd like to introduce you to a new group that is, kind of a big deal. You could say they're minor heroes, in that they're minors and they're heroes!
That's right, they're kids who are saving the lives of countless dogs and cats across the country and they call themselves, Kids Against Animal Cruelty (KAAC)! They're like the Justice League that's gone to the dogs (sorry, had to).
With several chapters across the U.S. they network on Facebook to save
lives posting 2 to 3 times a day until someone goes to the pound and
saves a dog friend in need. They've saved over 20,000 lives in 2 years
and they're group is growing in spayeds (bad pun? sorry again).
KAAC gets a boost in numbers with the help of a rising star. The group's founder, Lou Wegner, is a 16 year old actor/singer who advocates for animals every time he hits the red carpet. He started the group when he was 14 and now boasts 10 chapters in the U.S. alone and 50,000 members globally!
They're doing amazing work and we're really excited to be supporting KAAC! To read more about Lou and his crew go to:
Be their friend at: Kids Against Animal Cruelty Facebook!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Hello dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,
Rosie here wanting to introduce you to my partner Bella! Part Border Collie, part Lab and Aussie Shepard she's as tough as she is purty. As partners goes, she's kind of pawsome, hard working, funny and one smart cookie.
So smart in fact that we decided she should have her own column! We're calling it: Bella Knows Best! Here she'll talk about smart stuff that matters, like safety stuff, training and nutrition. This week's edition of Bella Knows Best:
Gluten Free for dogs?
Rosie here wanting to introduce you to my partner Bella! Part Border Collie, part Lab and Aussie Shepard she's as tough as she is purty. As partners goes, she's kind of pawsome, hard working, funny and one smart cookie.
So smart in fact that we decided she should have her own column! We're calling it: Bella Knows Best! Here she'll talk about smart stuff that matters, like safety stuff, training and nutrition. This week's edition of Bella Knows Best:
Gluten Free for dogs?
Hey! Bella here.
Just got back from chasing some squir – I mean, going for a walk… and
saw a bunch of emails asking about the ingredients in our cookies. This is completely understandable. If you’re like me, this time of year you’re probably
trying to watch your girlish (or manly) figure while helping your parents out
with all the holiday meal preparation. You know, licking pumpkin pie platters (preferably
while it still contains said pie), clearing away all the turkey trimmings
(clearing the way to your tummy!!) and sampling Nana’s fruitcake (or, more
likely, using it as a Frisbee, which is all they’re really good for, am I
No worries. You can rest assured knowing that my mom and
Rosie’s mom are really picky about what goes in our treats, keeping them ultra
healthy and delicious. They only use
four ingredients for the base of every cookie they sell. These ingredients are Certified Gluten Free
oat flour, organic free-range eggs, filtered water, and vitamin E as a natural
That’s it! No sugar, no salt, no other yucky unhealthy
stuff. My mom learned not to give me
sugar the hard way…we tried some cookies from another doggie bakery that
contained sugar, and not only did I clear the room…but my mom had to buy a new
couch. Some stains just DO NOT come out!
But anyway, I digress. So. I’ve
decided to let you in on a few family secrets; letting you guys know why we use
what we use. Let’s start from the top.
Gluten free oat flour. What’s up with that, right? I mean, we’re not horses! Why not good ole’ fashioned wheat flour? Well, let me ask you a few questions:
Do your front feet ever itch to the point where no matter how much you chew and
chew and chew and lick and chew some more, they just WON’T STOP ITCHING?!?! And your paw pads turn all red and swell up?
• Do you have bald patches in your coat, or maybe dry, scaly skin, or red
bumps and other rashes on your bod?
• Do you barf a lot? Poop a lot?
NOT poop a lot? Poop like me on my mom’s poor couch, where it’s all soupy and slimy?
And lastly, I know your nose smells, but do your ears smell? Like, when your mom goes in to kiss you, and
instead she makes a lemon face and grabs the cotton balls and alcohol? Yeah.
Like that.
All these are telltale signs of food
intolerance. There are really expensive
tests, where you go to the vet and get poked with pricklies, but a simple
elimination diet is the cheaper (and less poke-y) way of determining the food
culprit. Take my best buddy Wesley, for
instance. He’s a bulldog mix, and his farts
could clear the next zip code. Poor
smelly guy. Then his mom and dad put him
on a gluten free, potato free diet, and he’s been a lot easier to hang out with
ever since!
What is gluten, you ask? It’s a type of protein found in wheat,
barley, and rye. Not protein like cows
and chickens, protein like prolamines and glutelins (say that with a mouthful
of peanut butters!). It’s really sticky
and acts kind of like a paste that holds stuff together, and it’s a really
common culprit in food intolerance. With
all the genetically modified supergrains out there, the problem is getting more
widespread, too. I mean, the grains that
we eat today aren’t the same wholesome goodies that our wolfcestors scarfed
down back in the day. Our tummies
haven’t changed – it’s the food that’s different, and it’s making us sick!
The trouble with gluten is that
it’s hard to get away from, too, so your mom has to be really careful about
what she buys – some products that say “wheat free” may not be entirely gluten
free, and if you’re still all itchy and rashy and poopy and smelly, you may
still be eating gluten and not know it. They
measure gluten intolerance in parts per million, too – that’s like a flea on an
elephant! – and just that little bit can trigger an immune response. Not fun at all. Ask my mom’s couch.
Also, you can’t automatically
assume that since something says it’s made with oats or oat flour that it’s
gluten free. Sadly, this is not the
case. Even though oats are indeed gluten
free, in the good ole’ US of A, 97% of all oats are harvested and stored with
wheat – so it’s cross contaminated on the farm, while the tractors are scooping
it up – long before it’s made into kibble or a cookie.
This is why my mom and Rosie’s mom
go that extra mile to only buy Certified Gluten Free oat flour, made from oats
harvested from a certified gluten free farm and tested by the FDA, so there are
no amber waves of grain to muscle their way into our cookies.
Bottom line, gluten can be
bad. Not bad like “Bella, stop chasing the
kitty!” bad – bad like B-A-D bad. Even though only Irish Setters are prone to
Celiac Disease – a chronic autoimmune disease where the gluten actually
destroys the villi in the intestines, many of us doggies have some kind of gluten
sensitivity or intolerance. If left
untreated, this can lead to an overall diminished health, not only causing
those oh-so-fun digestive woes and skin problems, but also arthritis, epilepsy,
allergies and inflammatory reactions, pancreatitis, hepatitis, infections, and
a whole slew of other really serious health issues. THAT kind of bad.
So to keep me, my buddies, and all
other critters out there safe and free from worry, my mom keeps the gluten far,
far away from the cookie jar.
Stay tuned next time – I’ll fill
you in on more secrets from my mom’s kitchen!
Now, I gotta run – the squirrels are encroaching on my backyard
again. They’re about to get the good
ole’ Bella what-for.
For more information, please go to
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The Terrible Tails of Frankensquirrel and The Dead Mailman
Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,
Today we have a tail to tell, it is called, "The Terrible Tails of Frankensquirrel and The Dead Mailman." It is a tail of horror and gore so please, read at your own risk!
Today we have a tail to tell, it is called, "The Terrible Tails of Frankensquirrel and The Dead Mailman." It is a tail of horror and gore so please, read at your own risk!
Frankensquirrel and The Dead Mailman
Deep in a forest in the hole of an ancient tree lives a
creature of science. No one knows when he first breathed life but all have
heard of the day he took his first victim. It was a day not unlike any other
except for the chill that burdened everyone, like a heavy package.
Mr. Mailman was walking his daily route delivering mail to
the people of Happy Tails, a small suburb outside of Los Angeles. Seemed like
every house in town got at least one piece of mail, except for one…. 6686 Normal
Sure the house was ON Normal Lane, but it was anything but a
normal. Built in the 30’s, it looked as if it would fall apart at any minute
and certainly didn’t look like anyone lived there. The foliage around the house
was overgrown to the point of hiding the shack that dwelled there, like it was
protecting it from the prying eyes of all who would dare look in it’s
direction. There were some dark secrets living in that house and there they
would stay for no one ever came out of the house nor went inside….it gave the
mailman the chills every time he went past the house.
Lucky for him he only passed the spooky house on route to
his last delivery. Yep, one more delivery to the house across from 6686 to the
house with the crazy, barking dog who he yelled at to shut up every time, some
times even banging on the window. “Stupid dog,” he thought. He began to day
dream of what the rest of his day might bring….a day at the zoo perhaps? Maybe
get an ice cream cone? Hmmm…
But then, what’s this?! A flyer advertising the grand
opening of a shoe store….addressed to 6686 Normal Lane!! How could this be? No
one ever left that house so how could they need shoes? He could just ditch it,
say it got lost in the mail, happens all the time after all. Oh but this is silly,
it’s just a house, probably some ancient person lives there by themselves and
can’t care for the house is all.
Mr. Mailman swallowed hard then began walking toward the
house cautiously. Searching for a mailbox as he drew nearer, the brush and
trees seemed to grab at him as he passed them on the front lawn. There, he
spotted it, on the porch all rusted, a mailbox hanging on one nail next to the
front door. Creeeeaaaak went the steps as he approached the box. His hands
shook as he dropped the flyer into the box.
Just as soon as the mail touched the box he went running
away from the door, lest he learn any secrets the house posed. He didn’t want
to know, he just wanted to run! He made it to the brush and the grabby trees.
He stopped in front of the house to catch his breath, smiling, he made it!
There, not so bad.
Mr. Mailman took one step and out of the brush jumped a
glowing, green squirrel!! He looked like he had been sewn together from pieces
of other squirrels! His horrible orange eyes flashed and as quickly as that he
tore off Mr. Mailman’s leg and ran off with it in his mouth! Mr. Mailman
collapsed onto the ground in agony, bleeding and alone. He died there on that
day. No one knew how such a gruesome thing could happen, except for me.
I saw the whole thing; I was the dog across the street. I
told everyone, but no one would listen, I’m just a crazy, barking dog, sure!
Well, Mr. Mailman died a long time ago now. We have a new Mr. Mailman, and I
bark at him cuz that’s what I’m supposed to do. But chasing away squirrels,
that is what I MUST do. If you had seen what I saw on that horrible day, you’d
chase squirrels too!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Getting by with a little help from Best Friends!
Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats!
Things are really moving and shaking around here! Seems the Barkery gets busier every week. But in all the hub bub, we want to keep you in touch with what's going on with the animal community and the humans that are fighting the good fight.
And so, with no further ado, here is yet another installment of: Meet and Greet an Animal Do-Gooder!! This month we're featuring Best Friends Animal Society! Here's the scoop:
long has your organization been in existence and how did it get started?
Best Friends Animal Society was founded in 1981,
guided by a simple philosophy: kindness to animals builds a better world for
all of us. Best Friends had its origin with a group of animal lovers
who were unwilling to accept that humane societies and shelters "had no
choice" but to kill their unadoptable animals. In a pilot program, they rescued animals from shelters,
rehabilitated them, and found homes for hundreds of these cast-off cats and
dogs. Those who were still
unadoptable formed an eccentric assortment of wonderful and lovable creatures
whose numbers grew until Best Friends was established as a large and unique
sanctuary at Angel Canyon in Utah.
the kind of work being done by your organization?
In Los Angeles, Best Friends works collaboratively with animal
rescue groups, LA city shelters and passionate individuals to make No-Kill Los
Angeles a reality. For many years, Best Friends’ presence in Los Angeles was
carried out through its many adoption events, spay-neuter campaigns and
partnerships with city and county government. Early this year, Best Friends Pet
Adoption & Spay/Neuter Center opened to the public as a flagship for these
are tough times for animal friends and human friends, what are some of the
challenges facing your organization today?
Trying to
transform Los Angeles into a no-kill city is no easy feat. There are countless
players who need to work in concert toward this common goal, from our NKLA
Coalition Partners to Los Angeles Animal Services to individuals and
organizations that support the cause. Although it’s not always smooth sailing,
we are keeping our focus on what we can impact, and that's inspiring others
and giving them the tools needed to adopt, foster, donate
and volunteer. The animals deserve it, and the City of Los Angeles
deserves it.
us about the new facility Best Friends opened up recently in Los Angeles.
The Northeast Valley Animal Care Center is a 44,000 square foot
facility built in 2007 as part of the LA Animal Services shelter system. Because of budgetary reasons, the
facility never opened to the public. In early 2012, Best Friends Animal Society
and the city of Los Angeles entered in to private-public partnership allowing
Best Friends to conduct adoptions and spay/neuter services to the community. On any given day there are
approximately 200 dogs and cats on site. The Center is located 20 minutes north
of LA and off three main freeways: the 405, 118, and the 5.
a pit bull, people sometimes think that I cannot be friends with too many
people or other dogs, however I consider myself quite social. If it’s ok, I
would like to apply to become a best friend. Does Best Friends Animal Society
have a form I need to fill out in order to become best friends with you or what
is the process? I have references if you need them.
While we consider all animals best friends of ours, the
agreement we have with LA Animal Services requires that all of our adoptables come
from one of the other LA City shelters.
If you or one of your best friends is looking for a new home, we offer
Community Animal Assistance to help our friends that are not part of the LA
City shelter system. They can be reached at
I like
happy tails, do you have a favorite success story?
We are
lucky to be part of so many success stories, however Bugsy’s holds a special
place in our hearts. Bugsy, a
soulful and calm Rhodesian ridgeback, spent several months with us struggling
to put on weight, in part due to a tenacious bout of pneumonia. At last, Bugsy caught the eye of a
patient, loyal lady. Determined to
make Bugsy a part of her family, she spent weeks diligently visiting Bugsy at our
Center to bond with him and allow him time to recover. After a couple months of slow, yet
steady improvement, Bugsy and his new family forged their new life
together. Many hugs and happy
tears followed them home.
I have
seen posters around Los Angeles with lovely portraits of dogs that say NKLA, at
first I thought it was a new dog band, but then I heard that NKLA is an
initiative started by Best Friends, can you tell us more about it?
NKLA, or No-Kill Los Angeles, is a
coalition of animal welfare organizations, city shelters and passionate
individuals, led by Best Friends Animal Society, dedicated to ending the
killing of healthy and treatable pets in L.A. shelters. The plan is
straightforward. Provide spay/neuter services where they are needed most so
fewer animals go into shelters, and increase adoptions through the combined
efforts of the NKLA coalition so more animals come out of the shelters and go
into new homes.
Best Friends is providing grants to
coalition partners for every pet they adopt to a new home over the number they
adopted last year, as well as finding spay/neuter projects for pet owners who
can't afford to have their pets fixed.
Do you
serve treats at your dogs and if so, what flavors? I happen to like peanut
butter flavor, but I know there are other flavors out there.
Our dogs
receive a bountiful amount of treats in a variety of flavors. While peanut butter remains a favorite,
other favored selections include chicken and sweet potato recipes.
Do you
have any fun events coming up for party animals out there?
We host weekly adoption events that can always be found on
our website,,
or our Facebook page,
We also have a really
fun event coming up called “Strutt Your Mutt.” We invite all animal lovers in the Los Angeles area who want to raise money for
homeless pets to come and have a great time with their dogs. The event consists
of a leisurely 1-mile group dog walk followed by a festival that includes
doggie yoga and massage, photo opp's, free consultations with trainers and pet
specialists, complimentary treats for your dogs, fun activities and contests,
refreshments and more. For more information and to register, you can visit
can human friends contact you if they want to volunteer, donate or adopt an
amazing animal friend that will change their lives with an increase in love?
interested in volunteering, donating, or adopting , your human friends can
reach us at 818-643-3989, visit us online at, or stop by the
Best Friends Pet Adoption & Spay/Neuter Center. Our address is 15321 Brand Blvd in Mission Hills, and is
open to the public Wednesday through Friday from 12pm-8pm and Saturday and
Sunday from 10am-6pm.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,
Like many other dogs, "P Bo's" (as my Pa Pa calls us), are experiencing hard times. That's why Rosie's Barkery is proud to announce a new group to the list of organizations we support, they're called Stubby Dog!
Stubby Dog is all about educating humans about American Staffordshire and English Staffordshire Terriers and supporting the rescue's who help those breeds. They're doing important work that gets to the root of the issues and we here at Rosie's Barkery think they're great!
But don't just take our word of course, you can read what they have to say in this month's "Sniff N' Greet an Animal Do-Gooder". I interviewed Stubby Dog's VP of operations and co-founder, Laura Petrolino.
We here at Rosie's Barkery think that Pit Bulls are pretty great! Myself I am part "Pit", or American Staffordshire Terrier, as is the proper breed name and I have a whole lotta friends who are "pit bulls" too!
Stubby Dog is all about educating humans about American Staffordshire and English Staffordshire Terriers and supporting the rescue's who help those breeds. They're doing important work that gets to the root of the issues and we here at Rosie's Barkery think they're great!
But don't just take our word of course, you can read what they have to say in this month's "Sniff N' Greet an Animal Do-Gooder". I interviewed Stubby Dog's VP of operations and co-founder, Laura Petrolino.
What areas
of the country are you a helper to?
StubbyDog is a national organization. What we are doing is
helping dogs throughout the country (and internationally as well).
How did
Stubby Dog get started?
StubbyDog was formed in 2009 and launched in 2010. We
observed all the wonderful organizations and their amazing work on behalf of
pit bulls – from rescue and rehabilitation, to shutting down dog-fighting
operations and tackling legislative injustices, etc. Unfortunately, despite all
their terrific work, there still remain well over a million pit bulls being
killed in shelters every year.
An organization whose sole mission was to change the
discussion and public perception!
Our goal is for people to no longer view pit bulls as a
special category of dog – but, instead, as just a dog.
And this why we formed StubbyDog: to change the discussion
and public perception, and in turn make the world a kinder place for these
wonderful dogs!
These are
hard times for animal friends and human friends, what are some of the
challenges facing your organization today?
As with most non-profits, being able to properly fund the
outreach and campaigns we are currently pursuing, as well as those which we
have planned for the future is of up most importance. We really feel like our
potential positive impact is only limited by the resources we have available to
allow us to pursue our goals.
What is a
Breed Specific Legislation and Breed Discrimination Laws are
laws put into place that discriminate agains, ban or in some way target a
particular dog based on their breed or appearance.
Pit bulls
used to be America’s favorite dog, called the nanny dog for their patience and
protection of children. There are a lot of pit bull heroes. Personally mine are
Cesar Milan’s Daddy (R.I.P.), Hercules from the show on Animal Planet “Pit
Boss” and Sgt. Stubby. Who are some of your pit bull heroes?
My pit bull heroes are simply the every day dogs that do
nothing other than be loving, fun and loyal companions to their families. Every
dog is a hero for the family that loves him or her.
I like
happy tails, do you have a favorite success story?
Oh wow! That’s a tough one, there are sooo many! These dogs
simply overwhelm me sometimes with their amazing ability to overcome enormous
odds and not only live out happy lives with loving families, but in many cases
also serve as therapy dogs or pit bull ambassadors in one way or another. A few
stories I particularly love are Jagger, Sal
, Sarge, Mr.
Buddy Rose
, Handsome
and Hope
Do you
serve treats at your dogs and if so, what flavors? I like peanut butter but I
know there are other flavors out there.
Well, my dog loves sweet potato :)
Do you have
any fun events coming up for party animals feeling festive?
We do, but they are top secret right now. Stay tuned to our Facebook
and Website
How can
human friends contact you if they want to volunteer, donate or adopt an amazing
animal friend that will change their lives with an increase in love?
Anyone interested in donating can either contact me
or simply do so through
our online system.
Anyone interested in submitting a story can contact Micaela Myers.
Anyone interested in volunteering or with any other
questions can contact me.
Thank you for your time and efforts on behalf of all pit bulls out there!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Good Bloggy!
Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats!
Hi everyone, just wanted to shout out to a new friend to Rosie's Barkery, Daylyn of "Day's Pet Product Reviews!" She recently reviewed our Easter cookies and recorded her dog trying our treats. While her dog is a bit camera shy, that didn't stop her from loving our goodies! Go to:
Thanks for sitting, staying and reading, good human!
Hi everyone, just wanted to shout out to a new friend to Rosie's Barkery, Daylyn of "Day's Pet Product Reviews!" She recently reviewed our Easter cookies and recorded her dog trying our treats. While her dog is a bit camera shy, that didn't stop her from loving our goodies! Go to:
Thanks for sitting, staying and reading, good human!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"Snuggling" like Dogs and Cats
Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,
I know what you're thinking, the title is wrong! It should be "Fighting" not "Snuggling", but I beg your pardon, we dogs and cats can get along just fine if the two parties are willing. See exhibit A, that's me and that's my brother Lincoln on the couch sleeping, together.
And my other brother, Bucky is posing as the "Easter Bucky" on our website, Don't worry, he was not harmed in the making of that picture, he's quite the, well, I suppose in shape and in his love for showing off....Anyways, I'm not the only one with cat siblings. My partner, Bella, comes from a big feline family, 6 cats! Allow me to introduce them:
This is Maggie This is Kurt
This is Kopie and Pumpkin And baseball enthusiast, Miss Georgia
I know that's only 5 cats but Bella's last brother thinks his soul will get stolen if his picture gets taken. It's a full house but then there's also a lot of love there too.
Now why, are we going on about cats since we make dog treats? It's because we're raising money for an organization called Kitten Rescue! I got the chance to interview them, read all about it here:
Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to answer some questions for our human friends.
And thank you for sitting, staying and reading, good human!
I know what you're thinking, the title is wrong! It should be "Fighting" not "Snuggling", but I beg your pardon, we dogs and cats can get along just fine if the two parties are willing. See exhibit A, that's me and that's my brother Lincoln on the couch sleeping, together.
And my other brother, Bucky is posing as the "Easter Bucky" on our website, Don't worry, he was not harmed in the making of that picture, he's quite the, well, I suppose in shape and in his love for showing off....Anyways, I'm not the only one with cat siblings. My partner, Bella, comes from a big feline family, 6 cats! Allow me to introduce them:
This is Maggie This is Kurt
This is Kopie and Pumpkin And baseball enthusiast, Miss Georgia
I know that's only 5 cats but Bella's last brother thinks his soul will get stolen if his picture gets taken. It's a full house but then there's also a lot of love there too.
Now why, are we going on about cats since we make dog treats? It's because we're raising money for an organization called Kitten Rescue! I got the chance to interview them, read all about it here:
What areas of Los Angeles are you a helper to?
We are active in the entire Los Angeles area, although we are mostly concentrated in West LA, the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita and Glendale, Burbank and Pasadena.
How did Kitten Rescue get started?
Kitten Rescue began in 1997 when our founder, Sue Romaine, started intercepting week-old kittens as they were being brought into the West Valley shelter and took them home to bottle feed and adopt out rather than allow them to be put to sleep. When people in the community saw her at pet stores with these adoptable kittens they volunteered to help, and the organization has slowly and steadily grown over the past fifteen years to where we now are able to rescue and adopt out 1,000 cats and kittens annually.
I understand that you help dogs as much as you help cats, which species is harder to help?
I can’t say that one is harder than the other; both present their own sets of challenges, both on the front end when you are rescuing and caring for them and on the back end when you are trying to find them homes.
For instance, dogs tend to have higher medical expenses than cats and are much more resource intensive, so you can’t rescue as many of them as you can cats. On the other hand, finding a home for a purebred mini-schnauzer or golden retriever puppy is a walk in the park. Cats are usually a little easier to take care of – there’s really no comparison between a litter of kittens (who are fun and wonderful) and a litter of puppies (who will make olympic-sized messes and destroy everything) – but the supply and demand dynamic for cats is very different and so they can often be a little harder to adopt out. Although everything changes once you start talking about pit bulls – they are the most like cats, in that there are a lot of them that need homes but there aren’t so many adoptive homes for them. Which is sad, really, because by and large they are wonderful, goofy dogs.
Now a lot of people think that dogs and cats can’t get along and while it’s true that I would rather chase a stray cat then be it’s friend, I do get along with my cat brothers quite well. What’s the best way that you know to get cats and dogs to get along?
The best thing to do is to introduce them slowly, and always under strict supervision. Dogs are very good at letting their body language speak for itself and an observant owner will be able to differentiate playful and aggressive behavior. I have found that most cats will be willing to peacefully coexist, if not overtly befriend, a friendly dog.
How many cats do you currently have and how many dogs for adoption?
Our group has over 1,000 cats and about 40 dogs up for adoption.
On the FAQs page of our website,, I pose the question, “Why do cats do what they do? Can you possibly answer this for me?
I don’t think anyone can answer this question! Maybe the cats can, but they’re not talking.
These are hard times for animal friends and human friends, what are some of the challenges facing your organization today?
The two biggest ones are unquestionably the increase in animals losing their homes or being abandoned, and the decrease in private donations caused by the difficult economy. Animals don’t know good economies from bad, but the people that care for them certainly feel the pinch.
What are things that everyday people can do to improve the lives of animals in Los Angeles?
Give! Whether it’s time spent volunteering with a no-kill rescue, space in your home that you use to foster an animal in need, or money to help a rescue group save more animals, the needs of the rescue community are tremendous and every little bit helps.
Do you serve treats at your cats and dogs and if so, what flavors? I like peanut butter but I know there are other flavors out there.
When I want to give my cats treats, I’ll get them a rotisserie chicken – it’s like the cat version of Shark Week when I do that. As for dogs, well, they’ll eat pretty much anything, and I think they get as much enjoyment out of the ceremony that comes with treat giving as they do the actual treat. So I try to stay with healthy treats; right now the favorites are dried cranberries or blueberries, and when in season, fresh mango.
Do you have any fun events coming up for party animals feeling frisky?
Why yes – In the fall we’re going to host our fifth annual Fur Ball fundraiser, though the date and location haven’t been set yet. But we will put up details on our website,
Squirrels, what do your dog and cat friends of think of them?
Better than television.
How can human friends contact you if they want to volunteer, donate or adopt an amazing animal friend that will change their lives with an increase in love?
The best way is through our website at – they can learn about our programs and send us an email to volunteer or help us out in any way.
And thank you for sitting, staying and reading, good human!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The review is in!
Greetings dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,
We here at Rosie's Barkery have been holding our breath for a few weeks now but, we can finally exhale! The reason? Oh no big deal, only one of the blog-o-phere's top food critique's has reviewed our treats AND, drum roll.....he loved them! Waggy tails and hi-paws, cuz he's a tough cookie to please we understand!
Indeed, Mr. Jake of the blog, has quite the reputation for being a dog of discerning taste with a nose that knows great from so-so. He's very dedicated to his job. As you can see here he's taking his work home with him!
I admire that kind of hard work ethic, and he's quite handsome if I do say so myself (Bella and Lily agree with big waggy tails).
Of course, don't think we told him that, wouldn't want him to think we were pandering after all. We are very excited that he liked our treats AND, bonus for you!
As a huge thanks for reviewing us we are offering a Valentine's Day Gift Basket through their site!
It'll have our sweet potato/peanut butter "Carob Bone Bone", a package of our applesauce "SweetBarks", 2 bacon/honey "Love Bites!" (Personal favorite there) and 4 cranberry "Red Rosie" cookies. Of course all our cookies are still gluten-free.
All this could be sent to you for FREE if you go to their site and participate in their contest. What an easy and delicious way to woo your pup for Valentine's Day!
Go to
Find your favorite question off of our site: FAQS and leave a comment with your opinion about it on the blog under our big basket photo.
Thank you Mr. Jake for the pawsome review, you're the best you handsome devil dog, you!
We here at Rosie's Barkery have been holding our breath for a few weeks now but, we can finally exhale! The reason? Oh no big deal, only one of the blog-o-phere's top food critique's has reviewed our treats AND, drum roll.....he loved them! Waggy tails and hi-paws, cuz he's a tough cookie to please we understand!
Indeed, Mr. Jake of the blog, has quite the reputation for being a dog of discerning taste with a nose that knows great from so-so. He's very dedicated to his job. As you can see here he's taking his work home with him!
I admire that kind of hard work ethic, and he's quite handsome if I do say so myself (Bella and Lily agree with big waggy tails).
Of course, don't think we told him that, wouldn't want him to think we were pandering after all. We are very excited that he liked our treats AND, bonus for you!
As a huge thanks for reviewing us we are offering a Valentine's Day Gift Basket through their site!
It'll have our sweet potato/peanut butter "Carob Bone Bone", a package of our applesauce "SweetBarks", 2 bacon/honey "Love Bites!" (Personal favorite there) and 4 cranberry "Red Rosie" cookies. Of course all our cookies are still gluten-free.
All this could be sent to you for FREE if you go to their site and participate in their contest. What an easy and delicious way to woo your pup for Valentine's Day!
Go to
Find your favorite question off of our site: FAQS and leave a comment with your opinion about it on the blog under our big basket photo.
Thank you Mr. Jake for the pawsome review, you're the best you handsome devil dog, you!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
My name is Lily and I have a story to tell you!

My sister Rosie said I could introduce this month's Greet N' Sniff a Do-Gooder interview. I'm very excited to tell you that it's Animal Advocates Alliance!
Why am I so excited? Because these are the people that saved my life.
Ten months ago (that's how many months I am), the nice people from Animal Advocates Alliance found me along with my step-mom, step-brothers and sisters. See, my mom had been hit by a car when I was a baby and a near by mama took me in. Unfortunately, we all had parvo. However, thanks to AAA, we survived! It was a tough way to start out in this world but I guess it was the path I was supposed to take so I could find my forever family.
Now I have a great life. I love my forever family, they take me on fun adventures and feed me yummy treats. I will never repay the people of Animal Advocates Alliance for all their hard work, but I will always be grateful for what they did for me.
This month my big sister is supporting Animal Advocates Alliance through the sales on their website and at any event they do. Go to: or at the Montrose Farmer's Market on Sunday mornings to get some delicious treats and to support this amazing group of folks. Help them help more dog and cat friends!
And now read about them in this month's "Sniff N Greet An Animal Do-Gooder".
What areas of Los Angeles are you a helper to?
Animal Advocates Alliance is a Los Angeles based animal rescue & animal welfare organization. While we try to help as many animals as possible, we focus a lot of our efforts in the Baldwin Park area of Los Angeles County. We work closely with the Baldwin Park animal shelter to help the homeless animals in their care and we host a free training/education and spay/neuter program for residents of the Baldwin Park area.
How did Animal Advocates Alliance get started?

Describe a typical day at work saving lives for you?
Every day is different! A lot of planning and coordination goes into saving just one life- transportation arrangements, veterinary evaluation and treatment, finding a foster home or a place for the animal to stay and, of course, finding a “forever home” for each animal! Rescuing and caring for an animal until he/she gets adopted is very expensive, so we also spend a lot of time fundraising! A typical day for us involves lots of running around with and without animals, answering emails and phone calls, planning fundraisers, adoption events and home checks. Luckily, during all of this scrambling and commotion, we get puppy kisses and kitty snuggles!
These are hard times for animal friends and human friends, what are some of the challenges facing your organization today?
The biggest challenge we face is financial limitations. It is extremely expensive to rescue and care for animals. We save a lot of sick and broken animals that require expensive veterinary treatment and surgery. In these tough economic times we’ve seen a decrease in donations and an increase in the number of homeless animals entering the shelter or simply wandering the streets. We want to rescue more animals but without a steady flow of financial support we are limited in the number of animals that we can responsibly rescue.
I like happy tails, do you have a favorite success story?

Do you serve treats at your dogs and if so, what flavors? I like peanut butter but I know there are other flavors out there.
What animal doesn’t like treats?! Our supporters like to donate treats to our rescued animals so we always have a different selection of treats for the dogs and cats! We think the dogs especially like beef, liver and peanut butter flavored treats!

On Saturday 1/21/2012 we are having a super YUMMY fundraiser event at the Farmer’s Market “Veggie Grill” located at 110 S. Fairfax Ave. Los Angeles 90036.
Simply have a meal between 5pm-10pm on January 21st at the Veggie Grill and mention this fundraiser and 50% of your purchase will be donated to AAA! Gather your friends and family and enjoy some of the best food in LA while raising money for AAA!
What are the best ways humans can help their animal friends be safe and happy?
The kindest thing that any pet owner can do is spay or neuter their pets. Preventing unwanted/unexpected litters of puppies and kittens will help the pet overpopulation problem. Additionally, spaying and neutering is healthier for your pets as they are less likely to develop certain life threatening illnesses if they are “fixed!”
Be considerate and always choose safety first! When walking a dog please always use a leash. Even if you think your dog is perfectly trained not to run off, it only takes one mistake for a dog to be hit by a car, get into a fight with another dog, knock over a senior citizen or a small child. For off leash time please visit a dog park or toss a ball in an enclosed back yard!
Snuggle them often, kiss them frequently and always tell them how much you love them! J
How can human friends contact you if they want to volunteer, donate or adopt an amazing animal friend that will change their lives with an increase in love?
The best way to reach us at AAA is by email:
To see our available animals, to make a donation or to read about our volunteer opportunities please visit our website at
Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to answer some questions for our human friends.
And thanks for sitting, staying and reading, good humans!
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