Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hello dog friends, friends of dogs and cats,

Thank you all for your get well wishes and looks of pity in my direction, not sure which has helped more but it's working. I still have a way to go so I'm resting and spending less time romping and more time reading.

Usually I enjoy the classics, like "Go Dog Go" or "Old Yeller" (always makes me cry). Lately I've been reading about my animal friends who are suffering in Japan in the wake of the earthquake and Tsunami disaster. Kind of makes what I'm going through look like a walk in the park.

So I asked my mom if we could help. I suggested that we send a bone but she seemed to think that we should send money (personally I think a bone would be better, but they seemed to prefer money for some reason).

The organization we gave money to is World Vets. They're a non-profit, non-governmental group of volunteer vets who are in Japan and 25 other countries helping animals AND people get better. They're doing great work but they could use all the support they can get so dig deep (uh, in your pockets not in the ground this time).

And when you have a minute, check out this video of this dog in Japan who wouldn't leave his friend's side until they were both rescued. Goes to show you that we're not just man's best friend but also each other's. Warning: It'll make you cry, well it did that to me.

Anyways, going to stop barking and take a cat nap now. Hopefully my dog dreams and the dreams of my dog friends in Japan will get better day by day. Thanks for sitting, staying and reading. Do good human!

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