Some dogs live in what is commonly known as a "Puppy Mill". They exist only to make more little puppies, living their whole life in a cage, never knowing what it's like to have grass under their feet or a big hug from a human.
What these dogs need is a friend, a best friend in fact and lucky for them, they have one in Best Friends Animal Society. BF's (we're on an abbreviated basis) is working to give these dogs what they deserve, freedom!

• Bring your furry pal along and you'll get a free red, white & blue bandana for him/her.
• There will be a historic reading of the "pro-claw-mation" declaring that all dogs deserve good homes (always makes me cry a little).
• Enjoy a walk with dog-oriented, family fun after.
• You'll meet adorable, available doggies from shelters and rescue groups! Crazy block party!!
• AND, Rosie's Barkery will be there selling delicious treats with 20% of the proceeds going to help out our little buddies stuck in cages.
If you want more information on the Best Friends Animal Society or about the pawsome parade, go to: Best Friends Independence Paw'rade!